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We develop, manufacture & supply quality surface coatings.


Mirka lives by ‘Quality from start to finish’ and have only the highest standards of their products. Mirka sets high standards for themselves, the environment and their products and innovation is at the forefront of their success.

Mirka people are encouraged to continually challenge traditional concepts and apply creative thinking to develop unique solutions that give customers a clear edge. For example, Mirka’s Net Sanding concept makes it the first abrasives manufacturer in the world to develop a dust-free sanding solution that actually achieved what it set out to do – sand without dust!

Mirka offers a complete range of technically superior, high quality abrasives, tools and supplementary products. Together they offer a total innovative solution that delivers real benefits to customers in terms of speed, first-class efficiency, surface finish quality and cost effectiveness.

The extensive range includes unique and patented products such as Abralon and Abranet which have quickly become highly-regarded names in the abrasives field. In fact, the performance of these innovative dust-free surface finishing technologies has proven so superior to traditional systems, they have already changed many people’s perceptions of sanding.

By maximising efficiency while also minimising costs it’s easy to see why the Mirka range is more than a match for the most demanding applications.

Visit the Mirka website.

Showing: 95 Results
    Q.Silver Sanding Discs - 200mm
    Regular price$19.59 From $7.70 - $22.00
      • Black
      • White
        Mirka Ecowet Sandpaper
        Regular price$23.66 From $18.93 - $30.20

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