1300 BCCOAT (222 628)
We develop, manufacture & supply quality surface coatings.

Become an Approved Applicator

Here at BC Coatings we want you to feel accomplished in what you do and if we can do anything to help heighten the prestige of your business to help make you as successful as possible, we would love to.

Now you can become a "BC Coatings Approved Applicator". 

Being a BC Coatings Approved Applicator means that you have had sufficient training and are experts in using products from one of the best industrial paint companies in Australia.

You are all experts in your respective fields, and you also use premium quality paint!
Why not show this off to your prospective customers?

Our program allows you to gain more exposure to people searching for spraypainters and you will get a spot on our Approved Applicator page.

Becoming a BC Coatings Approved Applicator has many benefits including:


You and your workers will have the confidence in knowing that BC products are being used correctly, eliminating most technical issues.


You will get the added exposure of being featured in BC Coatings' Approved Applicator Directory as well as social media posts and other advertising opportunities.


You can advertise on your website and other presences that you use BC Coatings products giving you a higher level of prestige.


You will be awarded a certificate which you can proudly display in your showroom.

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